Struggling to lose weight? Are you simply ‘fat’? Or is it something more?

tummy tuck surgery

Do you suffer from a condition that means you are unable to lose weight no matter what you do? Discover more about this often misdiagnosed ailment and how it can be treated.

Are you struggling to lose weight?

Weight management is something on the forefront of many people minds. Whether its trialling the new diet recommended by your co-worker: To spending hours hammering it at the gym – Many of us put a great deal of effort into trying to achieve that perfect body. But what if your best efforts make no difference? What if, with all your best efforts with diet and exercise, you still struggle to lose weight? Around 11% of women suffer from an ailment called Lipoedema. Most health professionals poorly understand this deliberating condition. Sufferers often find themselves being misdiagnosed as being overweight or obese. This incorrect diagnosis implies that the excess weight is as a result of over-eating and poor self-control. This can result in psychological problems as well as the physical symptoms. A resulting poor self-image and problems such as the difficulty to find well fitting clothes can further damage an already fragile self-esteem.

What is Lipoedema?

Lipoedema is a chronic condition that affects mainly women only. Although in very rare cases men can also suffer from the disorder. An abnormal amount of fat cells build up in the sufferer’s legs, thighs, buttocks or arms. This is regardless of any attempted weight loss efforts. The affected areas become enlarged with the buildup of fat cells. Usually the condition effects both sides of the body meaning if one arm or leg is affected, the other one will have a similar appearance. The hands and feet of patients who suffer from Lipoedema do not have the build up of fat cells and appear normal. This creates an unsightly “bracelet effect” or alternatively a “band-like” appearance around the wrists or above the ankles.

The size of the sufferer’s arms or legs does vary from one person to the next and they often find that their symptoms get worse over time.

In addition to being abnormally enlarged, people who suffer from Lipoedema may find that the affected areas:

  • Bruise easily.
  • Feel abnormally cold, soft or “doughy”.
  • Are painful or ache.
  • Small broken veins may be present under the skin.

Lipoedema may eventually result in lymphoedema or fluid retention in sufferer’s legs. People will commonly find that the resulting swelling worsens by the end of the day and then improves overnight. The fatty swelling of lipoedema is constant however and remains the same both day and night.

Lipoedema can significantly affect quality of life. It can reduce a person’s mobility as well as the psychological complaints mentioned at the beginning of this article.

Causes of Lipoedema

The causes of lipoedema are not completely understood, however genetics are thought to be a powerful influencer in regards to whether someone will suffer from the condition. Its been indicated that many suffers have found that the condition started during times of hormonal change such as puberty, pregnancy or the menopause. This suggests that hormones are also an influencing factor.

Lipoedema should not be confused with obesity. It is true that the build up of fatty cells is often more severe in people that are also obese: But its important to note that the condition is not caused by obesity and people who are a healthy weight can also suffer. Dieting unfortunately makes little difference to the severity of the condition.

Treatment for Lipoedema

The condition is poorly understood and little research has gone into how to treat it. If you suffer from lipoedema its important that you try to keep a healthy weight as possible and avoid any significant weight gains. This is to avoid making the fatty deposits worse. It is advisable to wear compression tights to support the swelling and to help reduce any pain.

A procedure called tumescent liposuction is the only treatment that appears to be effective to reduce the build up of fatty cells and tissue that accumulates with the condition.

What is tumescent liposuction?

Tumescent liposuction is a procedure where the unwanted fat cells are sucked out through a tube. To help numb the area first, and to help prevent blood loss, a liquid solution is first injected into the area to be treated.

Tumescent liposuction is very effective in treating Lipoedema; however several operations may be required to remove the unwanted fat cells from the different areas of the body. If the person gains weight after having had the surgery, the fatty swellings may return. Compression garments are usually worn for lengthy periods of time after having tumescent liposuction. This is to prevent complications such as lymphoedema.

What treatments do not work?

The following treatments are commonly known to help with general swellings, however are generally unhelpful in the attempt to treat lipoedema:

  • Raising of the legs
  • Many sufferers of lipoedema try intensive diets to try to reduce the fatty swellings. Although fat will be reduced from the body during such dieting attempts, the areas affected with lipoedema will have little change.
  • Diuretics (pills that aim to reduce excess fluid).

Could it be lymphoedema instead of lipoedema?

Although the two conditions appear to be similar, there are two differences that can tell the ailments apart.   A build up of fluid in the lymphatic system can result in swellings under the skin. If a person is suffering from lymphoedema the swellings will pit or indent when it is pressed. This does not happen when the person is suffering from lipoedema. The build up of fat cells may affect lymphatic drainage in people who suffer from lipoedema. This may result in the person developing lymphoedema as well as the original ailment. If the two conditions combine in this manner its known as lipo-lymphoedema.

How can you prevent lipo-lymphoedema?

There are several non-surgical treatments that can be used to help reduce pain and prevent or reduce lymphoedema. The following will help to improve the shape of the infected limb although they will not affect the fatty tissue:

  • The use of compression garments to squeeze the affected limb.
  • Low impact exercises.
  • Massage

Treatment for Lipoedema. Liposuction in Manchester and Liverpool. Tumescent liposuction in Manchester.

Mr El Gawad, a cosmetic surgeon with over a decade in experience, offers tumescent liposuction for lipoedema. Click here to read more about liposuction in Manchester, Liverpool, Newton Le Willows and Bolton.  Alternatively contact him here to book a FREE consultation to discuss whether this effective treatment option may be right for you.

What is Lipoedema?

Lipoedema is a chronic condition that affects mainly women only. Although in very rare cases men can also suffer from the disorder. An abnormal amount of fat cells build up in the sufferer’s legs, thighs, buttocks or arms. This is regardless of any attempted weight loss efforts. The affected areas become enlarged with the buildup of fat cells. Usually the condition effects both sides of the body meaning if one arm or leg is affected, the other one will have a similar appearance. The hands and feet of patients who suffer from Lipoedema do not have the build up of fat cells and appear normal. This creates an unsightly “bracelet effect” or alternatively a “band-like” appearance around the wrists or above the ankles.

The size of the sufferer’s arms or legs does vary from one person to the next and they often find that their symptoms get worse over time.

In addition to being abnormally enlarged, people who suffer from Lipoedema may find that the affected areas:

  • Bruise easily.
  • Feel abnormally cold, soft or “doughy”.
  • Are painful or ache.
  • Small broken veins may be present under the skin.

Lipoedema may eventually result in lymphoedema or fluid retention in sufferer’s legs. People will commonly find that the resulting swelling worsens by the end of the day and then improves overnight. The fatty swelling of lipoedema is constant however and remains the same both day and night.

Lipoedema can significantly affect quality of life. It can reduce a person’s mobility as well as the psychological complaints mentioned at the beginning of this article.

Causes of Lipoedema

The causes of lipoedema are not completely understood, however genetics are thought to be a powerful influencer in regards to whether someone will suffer from the condition. Its been indicated that many suffers have found that the condition started during times of hormonal change such as puberty, pregnancy or the menopause. This suggests that hormones are also an influencing factor.

Lipoedema should not be confused with obesity. It is true that the build up of fatty cells is often more severe in people that are also obese: But its important to note that the condition is not caused by obesity and people who are a healthy weight can also suffer. Dieting unfortunately makes little difference to the severity of the condition.

Treatment for Lipoedema

The condition is poorly understood and little research has gone into how to treat it. If you suffer from lipoedema its important that you try to keep a healthy weight as possible and avoid any significant weight gains. This is to avoid making the fatty deposits worse. It is advisable to wear compression tights to support the swelling and to help reduce any pain.

A procedure called tumescent liposuction is the only treatment that appears to be effective to reduce the build up of fatty cells and tissue that accumulates with the condition.

What is tumescent liposuction?

Tumescent liposuction is a procedure where the unwanted fat cells are sucked out through a tube. To help numb the area first, and to help prevent blood loss, a liquid solution is first injected into the area to be treated.

Tumescent liposuction is very effective in treating Lipoedema; however several operations may be required to remove the unwanted fat cells from the different areas of the body. If the person gains weight after having had the surgery, the fatty swellings may return. Compression garments are usually worn for lengthy periods of time after having tumescent liposuction. This is to prevent complications such as lymphoedema.

What treatments do not work?

The following treatments are commonly known to help with general swellings, however are generally unhelpful in the attempt to treat lipoedema:

  • Raising of the legs
  • Many sufferers of lipoedema try intensive diets to try to reduce the fatty swellings. Although fat will be reduced from the body during such dieting attempts, the areas affected with lipoedema will have little change.
  • Diuretics (pills that aim to reduce excess fluid).

Could it be lymphoedema instead of lipoedema?

Although the two conditions appear to be similar, there are two differences that can tell the ailments apart.   A build up of fluid in the lymphatic system can result in swellings under the skin. If a person is suffering from lymphoedema the swellings will pit or indent when it is pressed. This does not happen when the person is suffering from lipoedema. The build up of fat cells may affect lymphatic drainage in people who suffer from lipoedema. This may result in the person developing lymphoedema as well as the original ailment. If the two conditions combine in this manner its known as lipo-lymphoedema.

How can you prevent lipo-lymphoedema?

There are several non-surgical treatments that can be used to help reduce pain and prevent or reduce lymphoedema. The following will help to improve the shape of the infected limb although they will not affect the fatty tissue:

  • The use of compression garments to squeeze the affected limb.
  • Low impact exercises.
  • Massage

Treatment for Lipoedema. Liposuction in Manchester and Liverpool. Tumescent liposuction in Manchester.

Mr El Gawad, a cosmetic surgeon with over a decade in experience, offers tumescent liposuction for lipoedema. Click here to read more about liposuction in Manchester, Liverpool, Newton Le Willows and Bolton.  Alternatively contact him here to book a FREE consultation to discuss whether this effective treatment option may be right for you.