A Smile Is Happiness You Will Find, Right Under Your Nose

facial surgery

A very popular asked for procedure is a ‘nose job’ or rhinoplasty. If looking for a rhinoplasty in Manchester, Liverpool, Newton le Willows or Bolton, you may be visiting this website to see what is involved in this common surgical technique.  This series of 2 blogs will tell you everything you need to know.

The nose can be one of the first things that are noticed on a persons face: If you are not happy with its appearance, and want to change its shape and profile, then a rhinoplasty may be right for what you are looking for. Nose reshaping is usually done for cosmetic reasons although it is sometimes done to help a patient who struggles with their breathing.

So you have booked to go ahead with the procedure – what should you expect?

When having a rhinoplasty, it is usually done under general anaesthetic. This means you will be effectively asleep during the operation and therefore not aware of what is happening.

A nose job or rhinoplasty operation usually involves your surgeon to make an incision across the skin on the nose in-between the nostrils, which is known as open rhinoplasty or smaller cuts that are made inside the nostrils. This second methodology is known as closed rhinoplasty.

If having a closed rhinoplasty at Manchester, Liverpool, Newton Le willows or Bolton then this technique will leave you with no visible scars. This approach also results in less swelling but unfortunately as every nose is unique it is not always possible to have it done this way and sometimes an open rhinoplasty is the only way to move forward.

Whether you are having open rhinoplasty or the closed variant you will be in theatre for 2 to 3 hours. It depends on the individual case but most people would expect to stay in hospital for 0 to 1 days.

You may be prescribed painkillers to help with any mild pain that may be experienced and you would expect to not be able to breathe through your nose for a few weeks after the procedure.  When leaving the hospital you would probably have a dressing called ‘packs’ in each nostril and a splint would be placed and help on your nose with tape.

Tomorrow’s blog will look at the recovery after you have had your rhinoplasty in Manchester or nearby and what to expect.