How safe is cosmetic surgery tourism?

Opting for a plastic surgery holiday is becoming an increasingly popular choice for people in the UK due to the cost savings and the increase in high quality medical standards abroad. But there are risks involved with a plastic surgery holiday, just as there are with any surgical procedure. So how safe is cosmetic surgery tourism? And how can you be sure to have the best possible experience, with the best possible outcomes?

So, how safe is cosmetic surgery tourism?

When determining how safe cosmetic surgery tourism is, there are a number of different factors to consider. These include:

  • Medical qualifications
  • Facility standards
  • Post operative care and follow ups
  • Potential risks

Medical Standards and Qualifications

One of the most important factors to take into consideration is the variation in medical standards and regulations around the world. This is because different countries have different licensing requirements, and the level of expertise and training of surgeons may vary. As a result, it is essential that you fully research any surgeon or clinic before making a decision. Make a note of the qualifications, credentials and experience of the surgeons you are considering, including their board certifications and membership in reputable professional organizations. This can help you to find those that are most qualified and can help reduce the risks associated with your cosmetic surgery holiday. In addition, looking for surgeons that are affiliated with internationally recognized medical bodies can help to ensure a higher level of safety and expertise.

Dr El Gawad here at Mr Plastic Surgeon is a leading UK surgeon with a long list of credentials and accreditations, and extensive experience in UK hospitals and private clinics, as well as his state of the art clinic in Cairo.

Facility Quality and Standards

When it comes to cosmetic surgery, the standard of the facility and the medical equipment is a very important consideration. This is because the medical facilities where surgeries are performed play a significant role in ensuring patient safety. As a result, these facilities should adhere to very high standards and strict regulations regarding hygiene and safety. As a prospective patient you will need to verify if the facilities are accredited by recognized organisations and adhere to international standards for infrastructure, equipment, and sterilisation procedures. This can be very important for your wellbeing and recovery following surgery, and can help to minimise the risks.

The El Nada hospital in Cairo is where Dr El Gawad will carry out surgical procedures and this is internationally renowned with outstanding facilities that you can count on.

Post-operative Care and Follow-ups

Another essential consideration is post-operative care and follow-up. If you are thinking of travelling abroad for your cosmetic surgery you will need to carefully consider the availability and quality of post-operative care being offered by the clinic or surgeon. This can make all the difference when it comes to monitoring complications, managing pain, and ensuring a smooth recovery. Access to follow-up consultations is also essential and it’s important to know that your chosen surgeon will be able to meet your expectations, and reduce the risks.

Dr El Gawad is well known for providing extraordinary after care, believing that this is just as important as the surgery itself.

For details about the cosmetic surgery holiday packages on offer with Dr El Gawad, here at Mr Plastic Surgeon, why not get in touch today?