What happens on a plastic surgery holiday?

woman at pyramids

If you’re thinking about taking a plastic surgery holiday, to have your cosmetic surgery procedure carried out abroad, you might be wondering exactly what this will entail. Plastic surgery holidays have become increasingly popular over recent years, providing a unique combination of medical treatment and leisure, relaxation and recovery. But what happens on a plastic surgery holiday? And how can you be sure of the best possible surgical outcomes?

So what happens on a plastic surgery holiday?

There are a number of steps to any plastic surgery holiday. These include:

  • Researching
  • Travel
  • Initial consultation
  • Vacation time
  • Surgery
  • Relax and recover
  • Return travel
  • Follow up care

Research before booking is essential

If you’re considering a plastic surgery holiday you will need to undertake extensive research first. From choosing the country, to choosing the surgery/clinic and surgeon, there are a wide range of factors to consider, and you will need to investigate the best possible options for your health and for the procedure itself. Once you have selected a destination and chosen a clinic, you will then need to contact the clinic to initiate the process.

Mr El Gawad here at Mr Plastic Surgeon is an internationally renowned plastic surgeon working for the NHS and private hospitals in the UK, and from his state of the art clinic in Cairo.


In terms of travel, when you choose a clinic they will help with the organisation of the trip, including scheduling the appointments and providing details for your pre-operative care. Some of the highest quality clinics will provide package deals that include both surgery and accommodation arrangements, making the planning process more convenient. This is something that we provide here at Mr Plastic Surgeon, with 5 star accommodation options, as well as transfers to and from the airport, so that you can really make the most of your stay.

Initial consultation

On arrival in the chosen country, there will be an initial consultation with the surgeon. This consultation is essential for discussing the outcomes and results you are looking for, as well as for answering any questions or raising any concerns. This will also be a time for determining the suitability of the chosen procedures. There will likely be a physical examination and some additional tests may need to be carried out too.

Vacation time

Once the initial consultation has been completed you will have a number of days to enjoy your vacation. From exploring the local area, taking in the sites and attractions, to relaxing on the beach or by the pool, you can use this time to take part in any leisure activities. This gives you time to unwind and relax, as well as prepare for the upcoming procedure.

When you choose Mr Plastic Surgeon you will have the opportunity to discover Cairo and the fascinating culture and history of the area, as well as enjoying the hot weather and relaxing by the pool.


When the day of the surgery arrives, you will be admitted to the clinic or hospital. The surgical procedure will be performed according to the pre-determined plan discussed during the consultation. Depending on the complexity of the surgery, the duration can vary from a few hours to several hours. Experienced medical professionals will oversee the entire process to ensure your safety and comfort.

Relax and recover

The recovery period after surgery is crucial for your mental and physical wellbeing and this is one area where plastic surgery holidays really shine. With close monitoring and professional care you can recuperate while being well looked after and with minimal discomfort. While strenuous activities at this time are discouraged, you will still be able to enjoy some sightseeing, enjoy spa treatments and indulge in local cuisine.

Return travel

Once the recovery period is complete and you are deemed fit to travel, you will be able to return home with your new cosmetic improvements. Here at Mr Plastic Surgeon we will organise your transport to the airport, and ensure that you have all the necessary paperwork and details, as well as medication, to continue your recovery.

Follow up care

One thing that sets us apart here at Mr Plastic Surgeon is that Dr El Gawad is a leading UK surgeon, and your aftercare will be followed up on your return to the UK. This can be essential for your wellbeing and recovery, and it is of utmost importance for the quality of results.

For more information or advice about your plastic surgery holiday, or for more information about what holiday packages we can offer, get in touch today.