Category Archives: Cosmetic Surgery Abroad

The importance of the clinic when choosing a cosmetic surgery holiday

plastic surgery clinic in Cairo, Egypt

If you’re planning a cosmetic surgery holiday there are a number of important factors to bear in mind, including the location, budget and procedures you are looking for. One aspect that should not be overlooked is the clinic itself. The right clinic can be very beneficial when it comes to cosmetic surgery holidays and it’s […]

How can rest and relaxation help recovery during a cosmetic surgery holiday?

Cosmetic surgery holidays combine a holiday and leisure time with professional cosmetic surgery abroad. This has become a popular option for many people wanting to change their appearance while enjoying the luxury of relaxing and recuperating abroad, soaking in culture and experience. One of the most important factors for recovery after any cosmetic procedure is […]

How can a cosmetic surgery holiday in Egypt change your life?

Undergoing any surgical cosmetic procedure can be a life-changing decision, and combining this with a holiday in Egypt can offer a unique and transformative experience. But how can a cosmetic surgery holiday in Egypt change your life? And what can you expect from experiencing cosmetic surgery in Egypt? So how can a cosmetic surgery holiday […]

Benefits of combining procedures on a cosmetic surgery holiday

Cosmetic surgery is a popular option for many people, and combining this surgery with a holiday abroad is currently a growing trend. But what are the benefits of combining procedures on a cosmetic surgery holiday? And have you considered having multiple procedures undertaken during one holiday? What are the benefits of combining procedures on a […]

Choosing the location for your cosmetic surgery holiday

plastic surgery clinic in Cairo, Egypt

A cosmetic surgery holiday involves travelling abroad to combine your plastic surgery with a holiday. These have become increasingly popular over the years, with people from all walks of life seeking to enhance their appearance and boost their self-confidence, while enjoying a vacation. However, choosing the location for your cosmetic surgery holiday requires careful consideration, […]

Qualifications and certifications for cosmetic surgery holidays

holidays with cosmetic surgery brochure

If you’re considering a cosmetic surgery holiday abroad, it’s crucial to thoroughly research to ensure the highest level of safety and quality. The qualifications and certifications of the surgeon and the clinic can play an important role in the safety of the treatment.  What are the important qualifications and certifications for cosmetic surgery holidays? When […]

Post operative care for cosmetic surgery holidays

Surgeon El Gawad

When you opt for a cosmetic surgery holiday, you can effectively combine your medical treatment with a vacation, taking the opportunity to recover and rejuvenate in a pleasant and relaxing environment. During these cosmetic surgery holidays, providers and medical facilities strive to offer comprehensive post-operative care and support. This is because effective post-operative care can […]

What happens on a plastic surgery holiday?

woman at pyramids

If you’re thinking about taking a plastic surgery holiday, to have your cosmetic surgery procedure carried out abroad, you might be wondering exactly what this will entail. Plastic surgery holidays have become increasingly popular over recent years, providing a unique combination of medical treatment and leisure, relaxation and recovery. But what happens on a plastic […]